Tokyo Disneyland Bus Terminal West - Tokyo Disneyland Station route -

Tokyo Disneyland Bus Terminal West
- Tokyo Disneyland Station route -

Common location for both departure and arrival

Tokyo Disneyland Bus Terminal West
about 3-minute walk from Tokyo Disneyland Station

Tokyo Disneyland bus terminal
Announcement of platform change

As numbered wire of platform is changed, with the existing transference construction, please be careful.

■From Friday, August 18, 2023 
Bus stop 15th platform

Please confirm map of Meet-up place, platform

This boarding is also used by other companies and there is a sign for each bus stop. The boarding and getting off places are also limited.
Directly boarding from bus stop without doing the boarding procedure. (Driver will accept.)

  • Please wait for the reserved bus without giving any trouble to by-passers and the neighborhood.
  • Please note that bus departs on schedule and cannot wait for customer.
  • Even when contacted beforehand, we cannot wait.
  • There will be no contact from us in case passengers didn't show up.
  • View route around destination place
    ※Please turn on location before using.

We open Google Map

Map of Tokyo Disneyland Bus Terminal West - Tokyo Disneyland Station route -

  • Walk towards Tokyo Disneyland Hotel and proceed to the left side
  • Turn left at the end and keep walking straight
  • You'll find Bus Terminal West along the way
    We go ahead through end a little towards the official hotel area and cross the left crossing.
  • We see temporary bus stop in front when we cross crossing.
  • Please wait at bus stop 15th platform.

You can zoom or reduce by clicking 「+」「-」on the map.