Choose from Seat/Bus Type reservation method
We choose 1 Seat bus type
Please choose Seat bus type of the use among "Choose from Seat/Bus Type" page.
We choose 2 buses
Please choose bus you like among search results. Please click bus of the use.
3 From
Please go ahead through reservation from of Boarding.
We put in 4 carts
You choose Boarding day, the getting on and off ground, and please click button "putting in the cart". When you want additional plan, please choose favorite plan in this page.
Bus that Seat-Designation is possible, please choose seat you like.
Confirmation in 5 carts
After checking reservation contents, please advance to customer information input page.
6 customer information input
You input required item and have you read cancellation policy, and please click "to next".
Member is available for automatic input of input form.
Nonmember, please input the requirements into form.
7 reservation contents' confirmation
You confirm reservation contents, customer information again, and please click "we establish reservation".
8 reservation completion
We made a reservation and were completed. As reservation completion email reaches e-mail address that registered at the time of reservation, please confirm.
We succeed information that we input at the time of reservation and can subscribe.